Q & A About Canadian & International Orders
- Can you ship anywhere in the world?
Yes, Oui, Sí, Ja…. We sell thousands of clubs to our friends around the world. It
is our goal to get the order to our worldwide customers within 7 business days.
For more information about domestic shipments click here.
- What can you tell me about shipping to Canada?
We ship everything UPS Worldwide Expedited Service. This service provides Canadians several
benefits over UPS Canada Ground:
- They are about the same price.
- The only "extra" charges that will apply are the standard duty and GST charges for all purchases made outside of Canada.
- You get the clubs in your hands faster.
- What can you tell me about shipping internationally?
All orders are shipped via UPS Expedited or Saver service. This service provides you the best
deal and fast delivery. Once your order is shipped, it takes 3 - 5 business days to arrive.
You will be liable for any taxes and duty (e.g. VAT, custom duty, etc.) that apply to your purchase. In some rare cases additional charges such as a service, agency, or brokerage fees associated with your deliveries that are charged by local agents. These charges are at the discretion of each country and some countries have more charges than others. This is not in our control. Be familiar with your local customs. Contact your local UPS site. They should be able to give you an estimate on what you should expect to pay.
- How much will shipping cost me?
The shipping chart below is an approximation of what you should expect to pay for shipping.
As you can see, more clubs translate to lower per club prices.
Driver (3 lbs)Set of woods (5 lbs)Set of irons (10 lbs)Woods & irons (13 lbs)20 - 25 clubs (25 lbs)37 - 45 clubs (50 lbs)Canada UPS Worldwide Expedited$40.43 $40.43 ($13.48 ea.)$40 - $46 ($5.75 ea.)$45 - $51 ($4.62 ea.)$62 - $67 ($3.34 ea.)$92 - $96 ($2.60 ea.)Mexico UPS Worldwide Expedited$53.23 $53.23 ($17.74 ea.)$53 - $64 ($8.02 ea.)$62 - $70 ($6.33 ea.)$82 - $89 ($4.46 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)Japan, Taiwan, Singapore UPS Worldwide Expedited$57.41 $57.41 ($19.14 ea.)$57 - $68 ($8.48 ea.)$65 - $76 ($6.92 ea.)$97 - $100 ($5.00 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)US Territories, Caribbean UPS Worldwide Saver$66.59 $66.59 ($22.20 ea.)$67 - $85 ($10.57 ea.)$80 - $96 ($8.75 ea.)$100 - $100 ($5.00 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)Western Europe UPS Worldwide Expedited$57.41 $57.41 ($19.14 ea.)$57 - $68 ($8.48 ea.)$65 - $76 ($6.92 ea.)$97 - $100 ($5.00 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)Southern Europe UPS Worldwide Expedited$66.24 $66.24 ($22.08 ea.)$66 - $80 ($9.94 ea.)$77 - $89 ($8.06 ea.)$100 - $100 ($5.00 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)Scandinavia UPS Worldwide Expedited$66.24 $66.24 ($22.08 ea.)$66 - $80 ($9.94 ea.)$77 - $89 ($8.06 ea.)$100 - $100 ($5.00 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)Korea, Philippines, Australia UPS Worldwide Expedited$66.59 $66.59 ($22.20 ea.)$67 - $85 ($10.57 ea.)$80 - $96 ($8.75 ea.)$100 - $100 ($5.00 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)Central & South America, Middle East UPS Worldwide Expedited$98.61 $98.61 ($32.87 ea.)$99 - $100 ($12.50 ea.)$100 - $100 ($9.09 ea.)$100 - $100 ($5.00 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)China UPS Worldwide Saver$66.59 $66.59 ($22.20 ea.)$67 - $85 ($10.57 ea.)$80 - $96 ($8.75 ea.)$100 - $100 ($5.00 ea.)$100 - $100 ($2.70 ea.)You can get an exact quote of your shipping costs by adding your products to the cart, continuing to the next step of the shopping process and filling in your shipping address. At that point you are under no obligation to buy, so there is no risk to you.